CWO Pre-Season Open Mat Sessions

Columbus Wrestling Organization (CWO)
Pre-Season Open Mat Sessions
November 2018

As in the past, we have had several requests from wrestlers and families who would like to start practicing early based on the desire to complete in pre-season tournaments, especially those scheduled in December and January. In order to accommodate the request of these families and allow an opportunity for the wrestlers to get into “wrestling shape”, we are planning on having “Open Mat” sessions starting Monday, November 19th for those wrestlers who want to compete early.

The “Open Mat” sessions will be held from 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in the Columbus High School wrestling room on the following dates:

Monday, 11/19
Monday, 11/26
Tuesday, 11/27
(additional Open Mat sessions may be scheduled in December in addition to the CWO Clinic)

We will have somewhat limited instruction with mainly conditioning, drilling and live wrestling to prepare the wrestlers for early competition. I would encourage parents to contact each other and arrange for practice partners to attend the same “Open Mat” sessions together.

ENTERING COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL (OPEN MAT) – Please enter the high school through the same doors (northwest corner) as we did during the CWO 2017-18 Season.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me.

Coach Brian Brownlow
402-910-8749 (Cell)